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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

There is a strong need to increase transparency and interoperability in the European energy system, bring the consumer to the center and create new business opportunities - said George Boultadakis (European Dynamics), Project Coordinator of INTERRFACE at the InnoGrid Virtual Session on 30th June attended by more than 350 participants. He added, INTERRFACE will provide solutions for these challenges through the 7 demos of the project.


During the event - organized by ENTSO-E and E.DSO - George Boultadakis presented the structure of the Interoperable pan-European Grid Services Architecture (IEGSA) which is going to be the core product of INTERRFACE. The IEGSA will act as an interface between the power system and the prosumers to allow seamless and coordinated operation of all stakeholders to use and procure common services. The core functions of IEGSA will consist of four parts: a Flexibility Register, a TSO-DSO coordination function, a Single Market Interface function and a Settlement Unit Function.


(Click here to access the presentation)

INTERRFACE was showcased together with Horizon 2020 projects CoordiNet, Eu-Sys-Flex and INCIT-EV.