Country: Romania
Transelectrica is the Romanian Transmission and System Operator (TSO), which plays a key role in the Romanian electricity market. We manage and operate the electricity transmission system and provide the electricity exchanges between the central and eastern European countries, as an ENTSO-E member (European Network of Transmission and System Operators for Electricity). Transelectrica is responsible for electricity transmission, system and market operation, grid and market infrastructure development ensuring the security of the Romanian power system. It also serves as the main link between electricity supply and demand, matching all the times power generation with demand.
Transelectrica is the only operator providing the services of electricity transmission, operational technical management of the Romanian Power System and electricity market administration (by means of its legal personality subsidiary OPCOM SA).
Transelectrica carries out these activities under the license that ANRE has granted it, charging regulated tariffs that allow a non-discriminating and fair access of all market participants to the electricity transmission grid, with no additional revenues from other activities.
Transelectrica's task is to keep the Romanian Power System operating uninterruptedly under safe conditions while observing the quality standards provided in the Grid technical code. To this effect the Company uses its own resources called functional system services and purchases technological system services from the electricity generators.
Transelectrica purchases the technological system (ancillary) services from the electricity generating companies under a procedure regulated by ANRE.  In practice, Transelectrica reinvoices the entire amount of system services purchased from producers (except for the active energy component covering the grid losses) to the ANRE-licensed electricity suppliers that benefit of such services in the end.
Transelectrica is actively involved in the complex process of implementing European regulations (Network Codes) at pan-European, regional and national levels.
It is the TSO company in Romania and will provide operator’s perspective for the system design architecture. It will also contribute with data and demo integration with the Romanian transmission grid.